Connect with Feed the World Thai

Your insights can help shape the landscape of Thai cuisine. Whether you’re suggesting a new restaurant or have an enquiry, we’re all ears. Contact us today!

Frequently asked questions

Looking for an answer but coming up empty? Contact our customer support team for assistance.

How can I suggest a Thai restaurant to be included in your directory?

You can suggest a Thai restaurant by visiting our “Contact Us” page and filling out the form provided. Please include as much information as you can about the restaurant, such as its name, location, and why you think it deserves to be featured.

I want to cook Thai food at home. Where can I find recipes?

Feed the World Thai provides an array of authentic Thai recipes. Visit our “Recipes” section to explore and learn how to cook your favourite Thai dishes at home.

How often do you update the restaurant listings on your site?

Our team is constantly updating our restaurant directory to ensure the most accurate, up-to-date information. We aim to add new listings on a weekly basis.

How can I learn more about the history and cultural significance of Thai food?

We regularly publish articles exploring the cultural heritage and stories behind Thai cuisine. Check our “Culture” section for more insights.